
Bushnell Tour V2 Slope

Many golf laser rangefinders slope edition with pinseeker on the market, but which one is the best for you? I spent a lot of my time to really get into the detail and find the best laser rangefinder with slope on the market today for avid golfers. My extensive research finally led me to the Bushnell Tour V2 Slope. This rangefinder equipped with Bushnell's PinSeeker technology, which correctly isolates your target to improve accuracy and eliminate false readings. Read complete review below

This Best Selling Golf Laser Rangefinder Tends to Sell Out Really Fast!
If this is a must have product, make sure to Order Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Now to avoid disappointment

We've done the extensive research and spent a lot of time to find the best deal for this rangefinder. Click Here to Find Out where to get the best deal on Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Edition Rangefinder with Pinseeker.

Confidence has a new look and feel. It's like perfect feel in putting, just 1,000 yards long. The Tour V2 with PinSeeker laser rangefinder rests in your hand with an ergonomic precision that builds confidence and pride. It's guts are 100% Bushnell laser rangefinder, but the package outside will rival your favorite driver with a custom high-tack grip. The Bushnell V2 Slope sets a new standard in the complete laser rangefinder package-looks, feel and performance. A package that may see players starting to waggle their V2 before the range with their targets. Includes built in tripod mount, 3 volt battery and premium carrying case.

Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Edition Has Received Rave Reviews

Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Compact Laser Rangefinder
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Wonderful little gadget By Like-to-Golf "NotBad"
A positive addition to my game! Don't worry too much about the steady hand concern, Pinseeker works well and truly saves me strokes caused by distance error. Now I'm the "official" crier of yardage for any group I'm in (maybe the only down side of this tool). I feel this is much better than GPS because you have infinite target options and, if your on the road and don't know what courses you may play, no computer download or preplanned golf is required.
I used the Bushnell V2 Slope right out of the box, although I read the manual while awaiting arrival. The Bushnell Tour V2 Slope requires you be a little sensible regarding the distance, and if the reading doesn't seem right, I simply scan again to verify. The slope option is well worth the extra $$ and, for me, it's dead-on. I simply can't see how someone would be disappointed with the Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Edition Rangefinder.

Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Pinseeker
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An amazing piece of technology By J. Reid (Asia)
This is a truly ingenious device with deadly accuracy to 1 yard using the pinseeker option. I have thrown my GPS away now. This device has the advantage that not only can you find how far the flag is, but also how far is the bunker, what's the carry on the water etc. And if you want to know how far your drive was, you can stand at your ball on the fairway, turn round and pick up an object on the tee box. Since you are already carrying it, its also damn useful to augment your eyesight for spotting your ball after the drive. The slope feature is a cool addition - tells you 150 playing 160 uphill etc. However, if you are a tournament player then consider not having the slope feature as it is the last 10% and not allowed in many tournaments even if you don't use this feature so you would have to leave your Bushnell V2 slope in the locker room. I personally play for fun and enjoy this feature.
The one small negative is that mine came with a geeky flourescent orange case which if you strap to your belt lets everyone on the course know you have a range finder. Luckily this Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Edition is also small enough to slip into your pocket.

Extremely accurate and useful By Gregory L. Howell (Reston, VA)
Great rangefinder. It’s easy to use, very accurate, and I use it all the time. I walk when I play golf, so this small, lightweight rangefinder really comes in handy. I use it to help me judge the distance on approach shots by guessing before measuring. Amazing how accurate this Bushnell V2 Slope Rangefinder is when compared to other players that are using the GPS in their carts. Even then, they ask me how far it is to the flag, since the GPS only gives a reading to an area of the green. I don't use the slope feature as much as I thought I would, but it might come in handy for future courses.

Where Can You Buy Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Edition?

Now, you’ve read the Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Reviews, you can get more information about this Bushnell on another pages on this site. Click Here to Buy Bushnell Tour V2 Slope Edition, we’ve done the research and spent a lot of time to find the best deal for this toy. Limited time Offer
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